The Friendliest Yacht Club On The Puget Sound

Here, we enjoy visiting our beautiful local marine parks and marinas and just spending time relaxing, sharing meals, and hanging out together. Typically we cruise about once a month and feature a host couple or group who organize potlucks, boat decorating and costume contests and other activities. Friends sometimes venture off for crabbing, fishing, exploring or going on dinghy rides.
Our vessels range in size and type. Our members range in age and interests. Newcomers are welcome at every event!
Between official FYC cruises, members enjoy utilizing the slips at other clubs' moorage facilities through our reciprocal agreements. This is a great way to visit other ports of call either free of charge or very economically.
FYC meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at various restaurants in the area. Meeting locations are announced in the Wavemaker, FYC's monthly newsletter. Summer meetings are held as needed at our cruises.